
10150566_638666769538109_300713223_n734496_638680236203429_1006062130_nBeaver Scouts are the youngest section. They range from 6 to 8 years of age. It’s where we start the adventure and the emphasis is maximum fun. Don’t let our cute factor fool you as we can be as adventurous and daring as any other Scouts. While we are having fun we still get to play with others so that we know how to get along with other people. Beaver Scouts are organised in small groups called Lodges. There is normally around 5 people in each Lodge. The Lodges are collected together in what we call a Colony. We also take on tasks so that we find out about responsibility. We learn lots of new skills by doing them but the most important thing is that we do it with other people, especially our friends.

Beaver Scouts are given a say in what is happening in the programme. This is done through review games and at Lodge gatherings (called Log Chews). Log Chew’s should be led by the Leaders (also known as “Elders”) but they exist so as to get the opinions of the Beaver Scouts and to take account of these opinions when making decisions for the future.




Meeting nights (2016/2017):

Tuesday night troop  – Meeting in Claddagh

Wednesday night troop – Meeting in Knockcarra 



This section is currently full. If you are interested in adding your children name to the waiting list for this section, please click here.