
14559964_1195878360483611_6455995651591748114_o12196239_952274264844023_1455242623733087417_nScouts range from 1st-3rd year in secondary school. Scouting started out of the Scout section so it stands to reason that we have some serious fun in Scouts. The Spirit of Adventure is what drives the Scout Section to challenge you to try new things encourage Scouts to try to be more responsible, try more things as a team and even more leadership. People in the Scout Age section have a better idea of what they want and like so it stands to reason that each Scout Section gets its identity from the members in the group and it is a chance for them to express that identity. This identity is shaped by the Scout Promise and Law that teaches crucial values in taking on life’s challenges. These include loyalty, trustworthy , respect and bravery to name a few.

The word for when all the Scouts are together is a Troop but that Troop is made up of small groups called Patrols. Every Patrol has a Patrol Leader, who meets with the other Patrol Leaders to talk about things that are going in the Troop. This meeting is called a Patrol Leader Council.

Since our troop is sea scouts, most of our summer is spent on the water, kayaking, sailing, powerboating or rowing. While the winters are spent camping, hiking and learning backwoods.