
Scouting Ireland is a uniformed organisation, as such all members are required to have a uniform.

CLOSED – Uniform Jumper Ordering 

Jumper orders for the new Scout year starting September 2024 are now closed. All orders are expect to be available in Mid October
To order the jumper with the Gasóga Mara Chest Flash, Gasóga Mara Arm Flash and Gasóga na Éireann badges (Irish language) click here and ensure you select the correct size.
To order the jumper with all badges in English language click here and ensure you select the correct size
Pricing varies slightly per size due to supplier pricing and the variable VAT rates for childrens & adult clothing. The cost includes the jumper, all badges and the cost of sewing on badges.
The Group will source the Sea Scout dark Navy jumper and the standard set of badges centrally to avail of significantly reduced costs and to ensure that we have uniformity of colours and badge placement.
Which size to order?
For Kids (ages up to 13) this size guide applies
For older Children and Adults, this size guide applies
We have selected a soft, comfortable 80% cotton blend jumper, rather than the heavy one for sale on the Scout Shop website. We strongly suggest you try on a size by borrowing another scouts jumper before you order.
If you need to try a size, please ask parents in the same section as your child as we don’t carry stock. If you wish to return a jumper and get a size change please complete the following form. You’ll need to return the jumper in un-used condition. 


The Red and Blue Group Neckers will continue to be provided to the Youth Member by the Group at Investiture at no additional cost. If you need a replacement necker please contact your section leader.


Scouts are required to have a set of plain dark navy trousers as part of the uniform. These may be the standard uniform ones for sale on the Scout Shop website, or a suitable alternative sourced directly by parents. To ensure the uniform is smart and suitable for scout activities, please do not use jeans or tracksuit pants.


The following badges will be included in your Jumper order and the price will also include these being sewn on to the jumper. There is not an option to sew these base badges on yourself as the pricing depends on all jumpers being provided to the supplier.
– World Scout badge (€2)
– Sea Scout Chest Flash (English/Irish) (€3.50)
– Sea Scouts Arm Flash (English/Irish) (€1.70)
– Western Province Badge (€1.70)
– Galway Scout County Badge (€1.70)
– 1st Port of Galway Group Badge (€2.50)
– Scouting Ireland Badge with Ireland Flag (English/Irish) (€1.70)
Total €14.30 badge costs. Sewing cost €15 per set
Any other badges the Scout earns will be provided by their Section Leaders

Uniform Badge Placement

The guide below illustrates how the Sea Scout uniform should be worn and where badges are placed
A larger version is available by clicking here

Section Badges Placement Details

The following images show the standard Scout Uniform, but provide detail on each Sections badges placements which also apply to the Sea Scout Uniform
Click here for Beavers
Click here for Cubs
Click here for Scouts
Click here for Ventures
Click here for Rovers


Is this for all Sections? 
Yes, Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Ventures and Leaders will wear the Sea Scout uniform as detailed above. The current uniform for each section is being phased out in favour of the standard Sea Scout uniform
Can I use the uniform I have today?
Yes, please continue to use the current shirt based uniform you have until it needs replacement.
We will place an order for the new uniform jumper in January 2024 and then at the start of each Scout Year, commencing September 2024
When will Scouts wear this uniform?
We will wear the uniform when we are at public events, on parade, traveling to Scout events in Ireland or abroad and on occasion at our weekly meetings when determined by Section Leaders. Scouting Ireland is a uniformed organisation and each member needs to have a uniform.
For day to day activities the Scouts may be asked just to wear their necker, or just their necker and uniform jumper as determined by the Section Leader. The primary consideration is the comfort and safety of our youth members.
Scout Branded Clothing
On occasion Youth sections may choose to procure more informal clothing with Sea Scout and/or Group branding such as T-shirts or Hoodies. An example of this is the overseas trip hoodies.
These are entirely optional and will not form part of the Sea Scout Uniform.
Other Parts of the Sea Scout Uniform?
I’ve seen Sea Scouts wearing Scouting belts, lanyards & whistles and ‘sailor’ hats (aka Ducks). Are these required?
No. To reduce cost and ensure we have a comfortable and practical uniform, we are not introducing these elements of uniform. If we have a requirement for any member to wear these elements then they will be loaned by the group at no cost to parents. We’ll review these elements of the uniform over time.