
Rover Scouting is your chance to try something different.

For 18-26 year olds, Rover Scouts is a network offering exciting opportunities whether you’re into rock-climbing, kayaking or something more obscure. You’ll always find someone to share your interests and introduce you to try new things. Of course there is a social element too, time spent with friends, new and old, and sharing stories is time well spent.

It’s more than just a social club though. For many, school is over and real life is about to begin, some are already in the thick of it. College, jobs, money and relationships are all a part of life. This is the time of life when we need to build our experiences, make our mistakes and enjoy life.


Meeting nights (2016/2017):

Friday night – Meeting in Knocknacarra



This section is currently recruiting.  Email “” for details on meetings.

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